New Fiverr Gig Image Size For 2022

New Fiverr Gig Image Size For 2022

What Is The New Size For Fiverr Gig Image In Pixels

Recommended image size:

1280 x 769 px, with a minimum of 712 x 430 and a maximum of 4000 x 2416 px (at 72 DPI).

Resizing images

If you’re using a Mac, use Preview mode. On Windows, use Pic Gallery. Other free tools are available online like Canva where you can easily create graphics in any sizes.

Image quality:

Use sharp and crystal clear pic. Avoid pixelated, blurry, stretched, or “squashed” img. 

Use the high resolutions, eye-captured img that stand out to potential buyers.

Number of images per Gig:

You can upload up to 3 images and one pdf—so make them count! If you’d like to combine photo and text, remember that less text is more beneficial. Keep it simple.

Image follow usage of commercial rights:

You can use free platform like pixabay or Canva. Only use img that you have the consent to use. If you plan to use img for commercial purposes, make sure you have the rights to use it.

Don’t use “clickbait images”

This can cause frustrate the potential buyers, and lower your ranking in search results. Only use images that accurately represent your fiverr service.

Relevancy of gig image:

Gig images must directly related to your Fiverr service provided. Random images will damage a Gig's reputation and lower your chances of being chosen for editorial or fiverr choice.

Never share your contact info in any point.

Don't share any contact info. in your Gig image. All communication should take place within Fiverr platform.

Use as very little text as possible

Avoid the repeating text that’s already somewhere else in your Fiverr Gig.

Make a Gig to stand out from others

If you would have more than one Gig, each Gig’s image and message must be unique.

Be trustworthy:

If you’d like to use a photo of yourself, show yourself clearly with smiling picture. For more information, see Fiverr’s Community Standards.

Name your image file for metadata.

Make your Fiverr Gig easier to find with a clear and relevant file names. This will be valuable in terms of SEO as your Gig can be found in search results quickly.

Objectionable content will not accepted:

Example: Adult material or hate speech. For more, info see Fiverr’s Community Standards.

Compliance of Fiverr:

Gig images must meet Fiverr's and Community Standards guidelines. If your Gig doesn’t meet the policies’ standards, it will be removed anytime.


Do not use any private information on your Gig img. This apply to both individual and business information relating to yourself or your clients.Jjbusiness information relating to yourself or your clients.